Self-care in the moment of turmoil

From West to East, from Ukraine to Iran, the world is shaking!
One can observe these events from so many different aspects. 
Today I love to talk about self-care and grieving, as a resilience & trauma coach, and as a human being, who is living this moment for the ongoing events in my country of birth! 
In those situations, we all go through emotional turmoil. It is important to remember that everyone reacts differently to trauma and each of us has his or her own tolerance level for difficult feelings. 
The collective psycho of the planet is impacted and the energy sensible souls feel this vibration. 
It is common to have difficulty managing your feelings during certain times.
Our body, our hearts and mind might feel heavy, sad, angry and thoughts of unfairness might over take. 
My first message is, it’s difficult, accepting the difficulty of this moment is the first step. 
The second step can be to give time to yourself to grief, the unprocessed events and emotions might stay with us and create deep trauma. 
You might like to transform your anger and allow that to be elaborated, without denying it. 
Your might like to transform it to art, to writing, Journaling, to….. 
You might like to connect to a community to talk about it, by sharing you can connect to the common humanity and all these common feelings that we humans experience. 
You might like to join a prayer group, to help you smooth your heart.
You might like to put more effort on thinking about peace and bringing light to the world, so then your heart is uplifted with hope and you see the END! 
You might like to reach to others to bring them hope and support. This helps to grief together and release what is alive inside the anger.

May your heart is filled with love

with love



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